Chobe National Park, Botswana
I hired a small boat for a view that didn’t include me endlessly bumping along dirt roads. We spotted a massive Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) sliding into the muddy water of the Chobe River in Botswana’s Chobe National Park near Kasane. And suddenly the relative security of the truck didn’t seem so bad. Photographed with […]
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
I leave camp with lights out at tree in the morning, driving by moonlight. I heard a lion’s roar near the campsite, and drive south. Stopping the truck a mile or two out, I sit and listen to the African night. A jackel’s yelp. Bird song. Baboons squabbling in a distant tree. No lions. And […]
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
Pop quiz. In the things they never taught you in photo school department… An eight-foot long, highly agitated python hides under your truck. What do you do? I think it’s safe to say that prodding it with a tripod leg until it emerges enraged, and promptly setting off after it with a macro lens to […]
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
In the depths of winter, the Kalahari nights are long, and that gives me way too much time to think. I spent much of last night pondering mortality. It might have had some to do with nearly stepping on a puff adder. I’d taken one step too many in the dark, heard a long, low […]