Posts Tagged ‘Favorite Places’

Masai Mara, Kenya

One question I’m often asked is, where is your favorite place? I should have a quick and easy answer, but it always feels like picking your favorite child. They’re all different, and special in their own way. Maybe I don’t need to go back to visit the kids hurling rocks at me in Gaza, peel […]

Favorite Places: Patagonia

It’s a strange and not always wonderful thing to finally arrive in a place you’ve dreamed of for years. More than once I’ve taken stumbled off the plane, looked around, and started shaking my head. There are times when it just isn’t worth the trouble. I had long admired images of Patagonia’s windswept mountains. Like […]

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Some places on this earth offer the perfect answer to my vanishingly short attention span. I find myself sitting in front of the computer, doing something ostensibly useful when some random synapse fires and I feel the need to flee the office, the state, the country. If Africa’s too far, China’s too confusing and Europe is […]